A brand-new GEMIC

A platform for everyone

Discover the new GEM Investing Club platform. The GEM Investment Club (GEMIC) is a division of Gem Finance Society (GFS), a Grenoble Ecole de Management association.  

This new website, specific to GEMIC, will allow you to discover the world of finance within the association. You will be able to find all the latest news from GEMIC, follow the different components of the club's portfolio as well as financial analyses (description of assets and evolution of their price at least). Stocks held information are displayed in real time on the banner, this is a way for us to stay permanently updated. Quarter reports will be released with a manager interview including details on main operations, portfolio evolution and targets for the next months.  

Discovery page explains the main principles of GEMIC. Indeed, in addition to having our own platform, GEMIC evolves by changing its organization. It will be composed of five teams of five people (two new members pairs and a manager). Each duo will be specialized in a specific field in order to develop a real expertise. Fields will be then reattributed to other groups to change specialization. We can also count on a strong network of partners: Moneta Asset Management, for instance, guides us in an ethical manner in addition to a financial support. Bloomberg, a long-term partner, provides us with their part of the canon platform and formation. Alumneye, a brand-new sponsor, organizes conferences for us in GEM.

This platform is both a way to follow GEMIC's activities and a powerful tool to express our identity. New exclusive functionalities for members have been implemented making the GEMIC more than ever in tune with the times.  

An asset for the GEMIC

The website is working as a real intranet and data base where we can catch up with the latest club’s activities, agenda, past as future presentations and keep up with the portfolio. This site is also a field tool by introducing the voting department so one can give anonymously his feeling about whether to invest or not in a stock.  

Moreover, GEMIC’s courses and training are posted on an exclusive and dedicated to our members. We will show and form you how to handle high quality tools such as Xerfi or Bloomberg. An ongoing learning process will take our members from the basics to more advanced concepts like technical and fundamental analysis and valuation. The Bloomberg Market Concept Certification will also support this formation for our members during the whole year.

A gate to apply

This website is going to be the main bridge between the current GEMIC’s board and future members for their applications. 1A or AP2A could apply directly on the Main page or on the page Team where you can find a job description of what a GEMIC member is.  

We invite you to discover it by yourself and don’t hesitate to contact us if you want further information.